About the Project

Digitization can save time and money in almost every field. That’s why we have decided to create VEFramework as Open Source and Open Hardware.

We believe that all people should have the same opportunity and the same tools. We welcome anyone who can join our community and help improve this environment.

The Story And Goals Of VEFramework

We are a Czech-Slovakian project which puts into practise the idea of free sharing in the form of Open Source. Because that is the best way to achieve the digitization of industry and the whole society – do it the “free way”.

How can we do that? First, let’s see some numbers:

  • 30 % of companies know what digitization will bring to them
  • 5 – 10 % of companies are doing something about digitizing their structure

So we are trying to educate and encourage society, experts and companies to unite in creating a basic platform for digitization that is free of charge. And this is why VEFramework was created.

Of course it’s easier said than done. Digitization takes a lot of time, it is financially demanding, there is a lack of experts on the market, etc. – But VEFramework can help with all these inconveniences. Just continue reading.

Who is behind the project

Project was founded in 2021 by Tomas Svoboda – member of Technicinsider.

Technicinsider is a group of enthusiasts who love technology and its application.

Explore more on Technicinsider Website


see some of Tom’s talks and presentations.

Who Do We Help And How


We have you covered! You can use our Open Source project, gen inspired by the free code (here on GitHub) and help your environment go digital.

You can also use our free tools to improve your skills and bring new know-how to your industry.



Dear CEO’s and decision makers, are you open to taking advantage of digitization? If yes, there is nothing easier than to talk to your developers and show them VEFramework.

We did everything we could to make it easy for you and for them to use our framework for your needs and help you with digitizing your company.

VEFramework Is Not (At All) About Crypto

This project does not aim to create some token or shitcoin. We focus on the real world where we would like to bring the technology of blockchain.

So we are not a cryptocurrency, we are a framework – free basic core for your own app, project or other solutions.

At the same time, we want to use the full potential of cryptocurrency technology and improve its reputation.

What can crypto do?

It can transfer data, perform reliable, fast and secure transactions and last but not least it is cheaper.

Main Technologies in VEFramework

Partners of the VEFramework Project

The Virtual Economy Framework Ecosystem is growing every day. We have a lot of interesting partners on board. Most of them have their own solutions for industry, medicine, healthcare or government.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.