E-Commerce UseCases

Global E-commerce is changing. Some e-shops are losing their profits because of NFT Marketplaces, the classic payment services are facing competition in the form of crypto payments and investment products. With VEFramework you can jump in easily and move your business to the new age.

E-Commerce UseCases

E-Shop vs. NFT Marketplace

What is the difference between the e-shop and the NFT Marketplace? From a practical customer perspective, they are almost the same. The main function is to purchase some items on the website.

NFT Marketplace uses blockchain as a database. Especially for e-shop owners, the use of blockchain has huge advantages. You can significantly reduce IT and SW costs. Even if you run it globally, you don't have to increase the cost of web hosting. Also, payment integration is very easy compared to credit card payments or other similar services.

With blockchain, you have all transactions recorded for accounting and tax purposes.

Supply chain Stock management

The transfer of information between supply chains has always been difficult. Especially in the food industry. It contains a huge number of small suppliers who need quick information about orders. The global market has increased the need for this kind of information.

Implementing and training centralized applications that can deliver these functions is very expensive or impossible due to the large number of destinations.

With blockchain and dApps, these tasks can be solved very easily and information about orders or production can be provided to suppliers instantly. "Installation" is usually just opening a specific website, everything else runs on blockchain and related services.

NFT "email" Marketing

The time for emails may be coming to an end. We have new communication tools and NFT is one of them. NFTs are eco. You can use them repeatedly, but not email. NFTs are the tool of the future for marketing.

With the right blockchain and tools, you can send your customers an NFT Post or NFT Image with advertising. If they don't like it, they can use the token to mint their own NFTs.

WooCommerce Integration

Do you have an e-shop based on Woo Commerce? If so, you can easily see how to simplify and convert it to blockchain to save money and time.

VEFramework has an integration with the WooCommerce plugin for WordPress. You can very easily install an e-commerce application with VENFT Server, which can also run on Rasperry PI and provide automatic processing of NFT orders. You can publish NFTs directly from the VENFT App to your WooCommerce e-shop.

Do you have your own E-Commerce UseCase?

If you have some e-commerce usecase that you would love to solve and you need our help, feel free to contact us.