Industrial UseCases

Do you know Just-In-Time Economy? Do you know how to store production data on blockchain? What about sharing the production data with AI?
Explore more below…

Industrial UseCases

Store Production Data on blockchain

During production, a lot of data about the product, processes, tests, etc. has to be stored. This data can be used for feedback to improve production or as evidence for warranty or FMEA claims.

Blockchain offers a great system to store and track these kinds of data. Using NFT Pattern, you can send these production "birth certificates" from machine to machine.

A huge advantage is the global availability of these data and their long-term preservation. The data are accessible via APIs or your own node and can be easily backed up at any time.

Share the Data with AI

Sharing data between a factory or healthcare and AI is usually a very difficult challenge due to privacy concerns or the support needed from the IT department of the data provider. The NFT pattern with a combination of data storage on IPFS can solve this for you.

VEFramework offers NFT Drivers for these use cases. If you need to share data with a university or some company that trains AI for you, VEFramework can create an IPFS hash file and you can easily provide the data. To save time, all these steps can be automated.

Just In Time Economy

If you are delivering products on a Just-In-Time basis, you will also need the Just-In-Time Economy program. The blockchain, which is also a cryptocurrency, can provide the appropriate tools to implement this model.

Using blockchain, you can provide information about a new product directly from the production line. Or start production right after the customer buys the NFT. This will trigger automated production. You will receive a separate payment for each product.

Check the integrity of programs based on FMEA

If you own a production facility with equipment such as robots or visual inspection systems, you must have procedures to check that these devices are working with the correct program.

With NFT and IPFS, you can very easily check if the program is correct and if it has been provided by an authority.

Spare parts tracking

There are spare parts stocks in every plant. Most of the time it is still working on "paper", at best on some "spreadsheet" or "ERP". This limits the sharing of available spare parts between factories.

Blockchain offers a simple way to share this data and provide a comprehensive list of available spare parts.

Do you have your own Industrial UseCase?

If you have some industrial usecase that you would love to solve and you need our help, feel free to contact us.